This book shows the unity and novelty of Josiah Royce’s philosophy, one that he called an Absolute Pragmatism. The development of Royce’s thought led him to propose a synthetic-semiotic view of community that constitutes a unique and unparalleled metaphysical vision in a world in great need of integration. Royce’s proposal also fosters the prominent value of loyalty and reconnects the individual human being to its more radical needs of transcendence. A Semiotic Theory of Community: Josiah Royce’s Absolute Pragmatism explores the mediation provided by community as a means by which to respond to the big questions entertained by humans at all times: through an ongoing and always open process of interpretation towards the Absolute, the community of interpretation in all its different forms provides an ideal of loyalty. Paniel Reyes Cárdenas argues that by undertaking the process of interpretation and recognition of ourselves and the Other, we become true persons, and that we get a hold of the sense of purpose and loyalty we crave—both individually and in a universal unlimited community.