Showing 25–36 of 50 results
Duns Scotus – Philosophical Writings: A Selection
$20.00 -
$38.00 -
The Metaphysical Thought of Thomas Aquinas: From Finite Being to Uncreated Being (Monographs of the Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, 1)
$42.96 -
The Consolation of Philosophy
$7.95 -
The Consolation of Philosophy
$12.99 -
The Guide of the Perplexed, Vol. 2
$37.62 -
Nicomachean Ethics
$14.99 -
Uncovering Greek Mythology: A Beginner’s Guide into the World of Greek Gods and Goddesses (Mythology Collection)
$29.99 -
A New History of Western Philosophy
$36.90 -
Stoic Philosophy of Seneca: Essays and Letters
$11.79 -
On Human Nature
$16.50 -
Commentary on Aristotle’s De Anima [Aristotelian Commentary Series]