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A Must Have Book For Every Philosophy Student

Tautological equivalence

Two statements are logically equivalent if they have the same truth values in all possible circumstances. It is never the case that one of the statements is true, while the…
Philosophy Student
December 11, 2023

Tautological consequence

A statement that follows from another statement (or statements) by means of the truth functional connectives; there is no truth table row on which the statement in question is false,while…
Philosophy Student
December 10, 2023

Tarski’s T-Schema

An adequacy condition for any definition of truth is that it implies conditionals of the form“‘p’ is true if and only if p” for every sentence of the language; some…
Philosophy Student
December 10, 2023

Tao (Dao)

In Confucianism, literally, the “Way.” In Taoism (Daoism), it is the underlying and ineffable“way” of nature or reality.
Philosophy Student
December 10, 2023

Tabula Rasa

The epistemological claim that prior to experience, the mind is a “blank slate,” with no innate ideas or pre-existing concepts. The concept is at least as old as Avicenna (eleventh…
Philosophy Student
December 10, 2023