The political view that an authoritarian government is best. More particularly, a form of far right authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorship, forcible suppression ofopposition, and economic and social regimentation. Leading…
The informal fallacy in which two choices, one of which is more unpalatable than the other,are presented as the only options when, in fact, other options exist.
The informal fallacy in which two options are presented as exclusive and exhaustive when, infact, they are not and others exist.
An informal fallacy constituted by arguing that two events are causally related when, in fact,a more plausible explanation is available.
An error in reasoning. While fallacious reasoning can be apparently persuasive argument,there is a flaw either in the structure of the reasoning (a formal fallacy) or because the arguerhas committed…
A belief (most commonly in God) absent rational reasons or even in direct opposition torationality. (Note that some have defended faith in God as rational.)
First employed by Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814), the word can be used to refer to factsand factuality, but as used by Wilhelm Dilthey (1833-1911) and Neo-Kantian philosophers,has come to mean…
The apparently fundamental contrast between descriptive statements and their evaluation, asexemplified by David Hume’s contention that one cannot logically derive an “ought” (such asan ethical proscription against murder) from an…
The set of things to which an expression applies; to be contrasted with the intension of anexpression (roughly, its meaning). Extension is also not the same as reference—for instance,the term…