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Brentano’s Thesis

Named for Franz Brentano (1838-1917), this is the claim that since all and only mental phenomena are intentional (that is, they are about other things), the mental cannot be reduced…
Philosophy Student
December 4, 2023


The Hindu conception of the impersonal, universal all-pervading spirit; it is both the universe and transcends space and time. The word also signifies a member of the highest caste in…
Philosophy Student
December 4, 2023

Bound variable

A variable (such as x, y, and z) is bound by a quantifier that is used with the same variable —for example, ∀x (Px → Qx).
Philosophy Student
December 4, 2023

Boolean connectives (Boolean operators)

Named after mathematician and logician George Boole, these are the three fundamental truth functional building blocks of compound sentences. They are negation, conjunction, and disjunction. The ordinary language words for…
Philosophy Student
December 4, 2023

Biconditional introduction

In symbolic logic, a valid inference in a system of truth-functional rules. A biconditional sentence is inferred from deriving one side of the sentence (Q) from the assumption of the…
Philosophy Student
December 4, 2023

Biconditional elimination

In symbolic logic, a valid inference in a system of truth-functional rules. The affirmation of one side of the biconditional yields the other.
Philosophy Student
December 4, 2023


A two-way conditional claim, typically expressed by the phrase, “if and only if.” In symbolic logic, the phrase is often notated by a two-way arrow (↔) or a triple bar…
Philosophy Student
December 4, 2023

Best of all possible worlds

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’s (1646-1716) view that this world is the best of the possible worlds God could have created. The claim was advanced as the argument of Leibniz’s theodicy, his…
Philosophy Student
December 4, 2023


A psychological state usually characterized as a disposition to assent to a certain proposition (the intentional object of the belief) or otherwise act as though that proposition were true. In…
Philosophy Student
December 4, 2023