A property of a sentence in natural (or “ordinary”) language that has two or more meanings. The multiple meanings are the result either of using a word in more than…
The belief in, or practice of, selfless concern for others’ well-being; typically contrasted with selfishness. https://youtube.com/shorts/dABDqZjPwaA?feature=share
A psychological or social ill, in which a self and other, which properly belong together, are separated. Alienation is a concept central to Marxism and denotes the result of separating…
Weakness of the will as exhibited in intentional behavior that conflicts with an agent’s values (such as overindulgence). The possibility of akrasia is seen as paradoxical for certain philosophical theories…
The Hindu, Buddhist, and Jainist principle of not harming living beings; often referred to as the “non-harm” or “nonviolence” principle. https://youtube.com/shorts/Ubm6tsmvATs?feature=share
The belief that it is impossible to know whether God exists; therefore, the agnostic suspends judgment. https://youtube.com/shorts/IdCwn7Q2fiw?feature=share
Literally, “to the man,” an ad hominem is an attack on the person, rather than a critical engagement with their position. Versions of the ad hominem are 1) ad hominem…
A hypothesis added to avoid falsification; more specifically, a hypothesis that does not increase the overall content, hence falsifiability, of the theory. An example is the hypothesis of the cosmological…
The view that the rightness of actions is entirely dependent upon the overall happiness individual acts produce. https://youtube.com/shorts/BJ68xUb-HIk?feature=share