Josiah Royce was the principal philosopher of absolute idealism, a philosophy associated in Europe with the German G. W. F. Hegel and the British philosopher F. H. Bradley. Royce’s… Jean Jacques Rousseau was born on June 28, 1712, in Geneva, Switzerland, the son of a watchmaker. His mother died shortly after his birth, and young Rousseau served two… Considered among the most influential of twentieth-century philosophers, Willard Van Orman Quine was a logician and analytic philosopher, who argued against logical empiricism, or logical positivism, the notion that… Most widely known as a mathematician and the creator of Pythagorean geometry, the originator of the Pythagorean theorem, Pythagorean tuning, identification of the five regular solids, the Theory of… Born about 360 BC in Elis, on the Peloponnese, Pyrrho was the founder of the Greek philosophical school of skepticism known to moderns as Pyrrhonism. This school holds that… Born in Chicago, on July 31, 1926, to a father who taught Romance languages and wrote for the Daily Worker, Putnam grew up there, in France, and in Philadelphia.… Pierre-Joseph Proudhon was born on January 15, 1809 in Besançon, France. He gained enduring fame as the “father” of anarchism and was, in fact, the first person to use… The subject of an eponymous Platonic dialogue, Protagoras was a Sophist whom Plato credits as the originator of the role of the professional sophist (one who reasons with complexly… Prodicus of Ceos was born about 465 BC in Ioulis on the island of Ceos and was one of the first generation of Sophists. He was noted for teaching… Born in Vienna on July 28, 1902, Karl Raimund Popper was one of the great philosophers —and among the most important philosophers of science—of the twentieth century. He was…