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Philosophy Student


Universal introduction

In symbolic logic, a valid inference in a system of quantifier rules. A universal claim is derived from the assumption of a hypothetical or arbitrarily chosen name (object) at the…
Philosophy Student
December 11, 2023

Universal elimination

In symbolic logic, a valid inference in a system of quantifier rules. In a proof sequence, a universal quantifier is removed, and the variables bound by it are replaced with…
Philosophy Student
December 11, 2023


A theory is said to be under determined by evidence if that evidence would provide the same degree of confirmation for a rival theory; in particular, a scientific theory that…
Philosophy Student
December 11, 2023

Uncogent argument

An evaluation term in inductive logic for an argument that is either weak or is strong but has at least one false premise. (See also Inductive argument, Strong argument, and…
Philosophy Student
December 11, 2023

Unalienable rights

Those rights with which we were born; rights that cannot be taken away by another person,group, or government.
Philosophy Student
December 11, 2023

Type-token distinction

A token is an individual instance of a type. For example, two speakers make distinct utterances (tokens) of the same sentence (type).
Philosophy Student
December 11, 2023

Turing Test

A computer is said to pass the Turing Test if a human subject is unable to distinguish its output from that of another human subject on the basis of conversational…
Philosophy Student
December 11, 2023

Truth-functional connective

A logical connective whose truth value is determined by the truth value of the constituent statement(s) and the meaning of the connective itself.
Philosophy Student
December 11, 2023

Truth value

The truth or falsity of an atomic, simple, or compound statement.
Philosophy Student
December 11, 2023